Rough Cut Comics

Rough Cut comics are a new exciting Scottish based comic book publisher, read about some of their hottest titles below - for ordering details pop over to their website here

Rose Black

Rose BlackHot vamps, nasty nazis and killer nuns and bucket loads of blood and gore - sound good? Well if this mix sounds like your bag then Rough Cut's 'Rose Black' graphic novel will definitely meet your horror lovin' needs.

After a run of the good and the so-so with their publishing schedule Rough Cut comics have come good with this latest publication, in fact I would go as far as to say this is one of the most enjoyable comic book romps I've read in quite some time.

Of late I've been wallowing in the golden years of comic book fun with the likes of Gene Colan's 'Tomb of Dracula' and Roy Thomas' 'The Invaders' wishing that someone would bring something new to the scene that carried forward that golden age in a new format and 'Rose Black' is that new generation of horror comic reading.

Forced out of hiding to face a corrupt religious institution, Rose Black is vamp with a grudge and a taste for blood and revenge. This first volume of her misadventures is a blood soaked wild romp from the opening pages right up to its explosive finale.

I find it hard to find fault at all with this excellent graphic novel, Tom Campbell's script moves proceedings along at a lightning pace and Jaeson Finn's artwork is the best that's graced Rough Cut's pages to date. In fact if anything can be nit picked from this first time it is that I really did finish reading it wanting more, especially welcome would be some offshoot stories of Rose Black's adventures during World War 2 (go on Rough Cut, you know we want it!)

If like me you're partial to the occasional comic book indulgence then you really should treat yourself to a copy of 'Rose Black', in fact everyone should be buying this one…well how else will I get to see more of my new favourite vampire babe's bloody adventures!

Society: Party Animal

The timing couldn't be better, not long after the DVD debut both in the UK and the US of Brian Yuzna's sleeper classic 'Society' Rough Cut Comics keep the legacy proudly going with the debut of their official comic book sequel to the 'Society' line!

Society: Party Animal

First things first, I absolutely love 'Society' - it's the quintessential genre movie that banged the final nail on the coffin of the 1980's movie scene with a deliciously warped vision of that era that's yet to be surpassed (even by the likes of the vastly over rated Donnie Darko which tried but failed with a similar theme), but you can read my thoughts in detail in my 'Society' DVD review elsewhere but it's this new comic sequel that we're here to look at and I'm thrilled to see that Rough Cut have easily maintained the high standard that the original movies standard set.

'Society: Party Animal' takes place ten year after the films conclusion where runaway lead Billy Whitney has went underground doing what he can to expose the perverted body shunting antics of the upper echelons of 'society' are indulging in (which he does through the websites he's been setting up and his own style of bloody retribution). But there's more to 'Party Animal' than a simple wreak revenge and run scenario (which they could so easily have done) as the plot soon takes Billy back into the path of the deranged society where he meets up with some folk from his past that he would no doubt rather not have to face once again...

Slick, stylish and wholly entertaining - 'Society: Party Animal' is one of the most enjoyable comic book reads since the long forgotten 'Night of the Living Dead' adaptations hit the streets some time ago (and if you remember those you'll know just how good this really is!) Edward Murphy and Colin Barr have done the legacy of 'Society' proud with an excellent extension to this warped storyline that Yuzna should seriously contemplate utilising if he was ever to film a sequel (go on Brian, you know we want you to!) and Shelby Robertson's art is perfectly suited to the demented nature of the plots scenario. The whole package is presented in full colour in a high-grade glossy comic book format which should be enticing enough for any fan of the movie to purchase it immediately. Perhaps the only criticism I could be stretched to find is that the cover image by Barr is not up to his usual high standard and may put off the casual comic shop browser, but that would be their loss as this truly is an impressive read and one that I can't recommend enough - comics like this (especially independent ones such as Rough Cut produce) often disappear quickly off the shelves and end up costing an arm and a leg to pick up back catalogue so don't fall victim to that by shunting over to their website and pick up a copy right now! Buy this now and roll on issue two!

UK £2.95, USA $3.95, Canada $5.95

The Surgeon

The SurgeonDuring all the fun mayhem that is the 'Dead by Dawn' Film Festival, I was introduced to one of the team behind a new comic book company based here in rainy old Scotland - 'Rough Cut' Comics, and that same evening I was also introduced to their launch title - a pre-emptive genre film tie-in called 'The Surgeon'.

Supernatural hi-jinks and gory fun in this entertaining two part comic book based on a draft film screenplay about invetsigative research being carried out in an abandoned hospital plagued by creepy goings on, that if the quality of the comic is anything to go by should indeed in time rightly be coming to a cinema near you!

The strip by the team of Dorans, Finn and Barr is well executed and easily sets the pace of the potential movie version just nicely in your mind. The plot (based on Campbell and Forrester's screenplay) is both highly original and very atmospheric - which is handled with flair by Finn and Barr who make great use of the black and white strip form that is in use by their Rough Cut publishers.

If like me, you have a soft spot for horror comics then you really can do no wrong picking these tasty comic books up. As well as getting a taste of a cool horror movie to come, you'll also be supporting a fine new Independent publisher. Check 'em out!

For full info on ordering Rough Cut comics go to their website here
