Tombs of the Blind Dead/Return of the Blind Dead

Tombs of the Blind Dead

Excellent value for money with this double bill of D'Ossorios Blind Dead movies. The Blind Dead series involves a bunch of Templar Knights who were a bit bolshy back in the 13th century (torturing lasses, devil worship etc), and were punished by the locals.They're eyes burned then plucked out by the local crows the Templars were executed only to rise again years later stalking hapless victims by sound alone.

"Tombs" is the real pick of the bunch here with a great spooky atmosphere and one of the creepiest horror endings I have seen in quite some time, classic. Though somewhat disapppointing "Return" is still worth a watch and if you treat it as simply a bonus extra to "Tombs" you really can't complain. Now, if only Anchor Bay will give the rest of the Blind Dead series the same treatment - how about it?!!

Directed by Armondo D'Ossorio
Released by Anchor Bay
Region 0 - Unrated
Running times : 102 mins subtitled/90 mins dubbed
Ratio : 1.66:1
Audio : Mono
Extras : none (though two films on one disc value)