Dead By Dawn Quarterly

Horror treat!! Now before anyone asks, no this is not the same Dead By Dawn (the annual festival of horror fun) that we here at SGM hold dear to our hearts, rather this particular Dead By Dawn is a rather fun (albeit bloody) anthology horror comic magazine!

As most readers will know, we love horror comics here at SGM - almost as much as we love horror anthology movies, so with the arrival of issue three of Dead By Dawn Quarterly I'll admit I was close to horror comix nirvana. Published independently in the UK by Scar Comics, Dead By Dawn (under the steady horror lovin' editorial hands of Shane Chebsey and Andrew Richmond) offers up an engrossing mix of horror short story strips with a wildly varied flow of art and writing styles (which means something for just about any taste). From the cute (but gory) antics of Sarah Quick's Little Gothic Mouse to the insane but sumptuous stylings of Bierce and Gane's splendid short The Policeman and The Citizen 'Dead By dawn' proves that there is thankfully a well of great talent out there waiting for you to discover. Even away from the stylized fun of some of the content there is some unsettling reading to be discovered also in the likes of Harrison and Richmonds Peepshow which takes the reality of death right to the line with the commix genre and more of the likes I hope to see in future editions.

Interestingly, whilst devouring the latest edition of Dead By Dawn Quarterly I managed to pin down what was gnawing at me throughout reading and that was the realization that in fact the magazine reminded me greatly of the long gone and greatly missed horror anthology magazine Taboo and if you're familiar with Stephen Bissette's classic anthology magazine of old then you'll also know that any familiarity of the same with Dead By dawn is a compliment of the highest order. With that in Mind I can heartily recommend horror commix fans check this out!

For more info on Dead By Dawn Quarterly (along with ordering details) click here
